Stimulus bill could benefit Twin Ports, Iron Range

Duluth ship entry
This lighthouse is stationed at the end of one of two piers that make up the Duluth ship entry. The Duluth-Superior port could see a big boost from the $787 billion stimulus plan.
MPR Photo/Bob Kelleher

The Twin Ports and the Iron Range have something to celebrate with the passage of the $787 billion economic stimulus bill.

It contains a provision requiring U.S. iron, steel and other manufactured goods be used for public buildings and public works funded under the bill.

Adolph Ojard is executive director of the Duluth Seaway and Port Authority. He says that provision means more iron ore production - and more shipping.

As it stands now, two of the dozens of ships laid up for winter in the port of Duluth probably won't sail this year because of drops in steel production.

Critics say the "Buy American" language smacks of protectionism.

But Iron Mining Association of Minnesota president Craig Pagel says other countries need the U.S. to keep its people working so Americans can buy their products.


Information from: KARE-TV,