Personal perspectives on confession

Penitents can confess to a priest face-to-face or anonymously from behind a screen. Ron Draganowski of Roseville says he's a "screen person." For him, confession is about taking responsibly for his actions. "You say 'I did this. And I'm sorry I did this.' Some people think of the Catholic Church's teachings as a list of sins or rules you just can't break. But really they're a guide for healthy living. Confession is a pretty cool thing. You go in there and get forgiveness. Catholic teaching says when the priest gives you the words of absolution that those sins aren't only forgiven, they are wiped off the record. It's like an undo, kinda like the undo function in Microsoft Excel. If it were a typewriter, you'd have to use White-out and that just kinda covers it up. It's still there. But the sacrament of confession doesn't just cover it up, it wipes it away. That's why it's the best deal in town."
MPR Photo/Nikki Tundel