Art Hounds: Week of March 5

Each week Minnesota Public Radio News asks three people from the Minnesota arts scene to be "Art Hounds." Their job is to step outside our own work and hunt down something exciting that's going on this weekend.

This Week:

Andy Ducett
Andy Ducett is an installation artist in Minneapolis.
MPR Photo/Chris Roberts

Andy Ducett is an installation artist in Minneapolis. Ducett took in "Almost Nothing," an installation by Clive Murphy, which will inhabit the Soap Factory in Minneapolis through April 5th.

Click here for more information

Susannah Schouweiler
Susannah Schouweiler is arts journalism editor for
Photo Courtesy of Susannah Schouweiler

Susannah Schouweiler is arts journalism editor for She also writes about visual arts for various Twin Cities publications, including Schouweiler is going to see "Representa: Bilingual Theater for the Hip Hop Generation." It's on stage tonight through Saturday at Intermedia Arts in Minneapolis as part of Teatro Del Pueblo's Political Theater Festival.

Click here fore more information

Joey Kantor
Joey Kantor is a jazz pianist, composer and arts journalist in the Twin Cities.
MPR Photo/Chris Roberts

Joey Kantor is a jazz pianist, composer and arts journalist in the Twin Cities. Kantor is looking forward to the San Francisco Jazz Collective performing at the Dakota Jazz Club in Minneapolis this Tuesday, March 10th. There will be two shows at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.

Click here for more information