Art Hounds: Week of April 9

Each week Minnesota Public Radio News asks three people from the Minnesota arts scene to be "Art Hounds." Their job is to step outside our own work and hunt down something exciting that's going on this weekend.

This Week:

Laura Krider
Laura Krider is a choral singer in the Twin Cities and an arts administrator at the University of Minnesota's school of music.
Photo Courtesy of Laura Krider

Laura Krider is a choral singer in the Twin Cities and an arts administrator at the University of Minnesota's school of music. Laura took part in Sacred Harp Shape Note Singing Night at University Baptist Church in Dinkytown, Minneapolis. It happens every Tuesday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Penelope Freeh is a 15-year member and artistic associate of James Sewell Ballet. Penelope is excited to see Shapiro and Smith Dance in its Spring concert, "Medea Medea." The performance runs tonight, April 9, through Sunday night, April 12, at the Southern Theater in Minneapolis.

More information here

David Petersen
David Petersen is an artist and artistic director of Art of This Gallery in Minneapolis.
MPR Photo/Chris Roberts

David Petersen is an artist and artistic director of Art of This Gallery in Minneapolis. Peterson recently took in "Beru," an exhibition of collage oriented artist books on display at Midway Contemporary Art in Minneapolis through May 30th.

More information here