Midmorning Weekend: Memoirs

Browsing for books.
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor

Segment 1: A story of tragedy and grace

When accidents happen in the Maine woods, the park wardens there can call on a chaplain uniquely qualified to help with grieving families. That's because the chaplain herself experienced the sudden loss of her Maine state trooper husband. Kate Braestrup is author of the memoir "Here If You Need Me." She's one of the first chaplains to serve in the Maine Warden Service.

(Original Program)

Segment 2: On the front lines of the abortion debate

Susan Wicklund considers the experience many women share, but feel compelled to keep secret -- the termination of their pregnancies. Dr. Wicklund talks about her own experiences counseling women, and the price she's paid for performing abortions over the years. Susan Wicklund is author of "This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor."

(Original Program)

Segment 3: Author describes how a stalker changed her life

A new memoir chronicles what happens when an independent woman's loving partner turns into a threat. Kate Brennan uses an alias to shield her identity. Her book reveals what it takes to elude a man whom she believes is determined to destroy her life. Kate Brennan is a pseudonym. She is the author of "In His Sights."

(Original Program)