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Daily Digest

Politics is taking a holiday today. Not much news to round up. Maybe the chattering classes are already turning to brats and bottle rockets instead.

Or, uh, sparklers.

(We can't vouch for Garofalo's keening for gunpowder. A call to confirm the above tweet went unanswered. He's probably out... recreating. Garofalo, though, IS the Republican lawmaker pushing to mandate beer at the new Gophers stadium.)


Al Franken's honeymoon? Not even 48 hours, according to a new Rassmussen Reports poll. The over/under on a national poll has Minnesota's junior senator at 44 percent negative and 22 percent neutral. And dog-gone it, just 34 percent of 1000 respondents across the U.S. like him. Politico has the nitty, the Pioneer Press has the gritty.

Don't mess with Collin Peterson. Coming just off a showdown with Minnesota's 7th District Democrat over the climate change bill, California Democrat Henry Waxman was hospitalized after a fainting spell. He'll be back next week.


Legislators, et. al, will be meeting in Minneapolis to talk about how to grapple with the General Assistance Medical Care cuts. The 10 a.m. forum will be at HCMC, according to Politics in Minnesota.


Pat Lopez has left the building. Politics in Minnesota noted yesterday that the Strib scribe has departed from the Capitol to take the helm of the paper's political coverage. Have we seen her last byline?