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Daily Digest

The Minnesota Senate is trimming its own budget.

A state Senate committee will hold public hearings on risk taking by community banks and credit unions.

Common Cause Minnesota says the state should do a better job tracking economic stimulus money.

City leaders meet to discuss financial challenges.


The Minnesota delegation is fighting for Medicare equity in health care reform bill.

Congressman James Oberstar says a transportation spending bill will prevent devastating slowdowns or cuts in each state's federal highway funds.

Congressman John Kline vows to fight a student loan bill.

Congressman Collin Peterson says he's agreed to a set of principles for regulating derivatives.


Minnesota Republicans claim Congressman Collin Peterson is out of touch in a new radio ad.

State Sen. Tarryl Clark, DFL-St. Cloud, officially announced her bid for Congress in the 6th district.

State Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, says repairing the economy is job one for Minnesota's next governor.

Republican Bill Haas wants to grow jobs as governor.


Gov. Tim Pawlenty will raise his national profile today with a speech to the Republican National Committee.

CNN says he'll rip President Obama.

CBS says the speech will cover three major topics.

Pawlenty tells the AP that he's focused on the GOP, not 2012.