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Daily Digest

Gov. Tim Pawlenty says the Vikings landing quarterback Brett Favre is fantastic, but it won't change the stadium debate.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar will hold a conference call town hall meeting on health care on Sunday.

Klobuchar toured a new passport office in Minneapolis.

Sen. Al Franken has a low approval rating.

Franken met with high speed rail advocates in Winona.

Eleven people questioned Congressman Tim Walz and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius during a telephone town hall meeting on health care.

Congressman John Kline will meet with business leaders Thursday in Faribault.

Congressman Collin Peterson says his town hall meetings have helped correct misinformation on health care reform.

A North Dakota senator says nonprofit health care cooperatives are the answer.

State Sen. Linda Berglin says she tired of people seizing on the problems of health care reform instead of the possibilities.

University of Minnesota experts outlined some of those possibilities to Berglin's committee.

DNR officials get recommendations on protecting moose.


Candidates for governor are listening to hunting and fishing advocates.


Pawenty retells his Chris Matthews joke and it gets more coverage.