State of the Arts Blog

Lego my house!


James May arms himself with some oversized Lego blocks. (Image courtesy Apartment Therapy)

British TV personality James May loves toys. He's even hosting a show called "Toy Stories." For the show May is building a house, complete with working toilet, out of Legos. He, and hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers started the project on August 1st on Denbies Wine Estate in Dorking, Surrey, and are set to complete the house this week. May says he plans to stay in the house for a couple of days, or until the house falls down - whichever comes sooner.


Image courtesy Apartment Therapy.

Some questions: Will the house be leak proof? If May doesn't like the layout, can he just unsnap and re-snap the walls in different locations? And will the house be plundered by jealous kids who want more blocks for their own projects?