Pieces of Duluth's Aerial Lift Bridge available as souvenirs

Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge
The Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge is a getting nearly $5 million makeover, thanks to the federal stimulus package. The funding is paying for repainting the span and also for some structural repair
MPR Photo/Tom Weber

Duluth residents and visitors now have a chance to own a piece of the city's iconic Aerial Lift Bridge.

Approximately 60 large steel rivets from the bridge are available for $25 each. There were also 300 five-by-three inch miniature bridges made from melted scraps that each costs $30.

Each miniature bridge and rivet comes with a certificate of authenticity that is signed by Mayor Don Ness and the bridge's supervisor, Ryan Beamer.

Beamer thought the souvenirs would be a resourceful way to preserve the leftover metal removed from the bridge during an ongoing renovation project.

"I don't know if they are selling quickly at every store, but I didn't do this for any kind of profit. I just thought it would be a good use of old metal and the people care about the bridge," Beamer said.

The Aerial Lift Bridge has been undergoing improvements for three years. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2011.