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Franken raising money for Clark in 6th district

U.S. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., is backing Tarryl Clark in her 6th district congressional campaign. He's also helping the DFL state senator raise some money. Here's the letter Franken sent out on behalf of Clark:

Dear ____ ,

As I traveled across Minnesota over the last few years, I found nothing was better than campaigning with a local state legislator. They were always deeply rooted in their community - knew the owner of every shop we walked in, the family inside every house door we knocked on, and the ins and outs of every neighborhood we visited.

Senator Tarryl Clark was one of those exceptional legislators. Her ability to listen and her common sense, get-it-done attitude have allowed her to not only understand, but stand for the needs of her district. From ensuring Saint Cloud State University has the resources it needs to provide a first class education, to expanding access to early childhood education; from repairing the district's failing roads and bridges, to investing in our transportation future, especially Northstar. Tarryl has always worked with the community to stand up for the residents of her district.

And now I'm standing up for Tarryl. I hope you'll join me in supporting Tarryl's campaign for Congress against Michele Bachmann today.

She's delivered for her district as a State Senator, and she'll do the same for the residents of the 6th District as their representative in Congress.

I can tell you from experience, Tarryl is a tireless campaigner. She wins campaigns by reaching out to people of all parties, from all points of view. She engages them in a discussion about the issues, and wins them over with her ability to turn those conversations into action. Tarryl knows how to get the job done.

That's why Tarryl is the partner we need in Washington to really get things done for the 6th District.

But she needs our help to give her campaign the resources it needs to get her message out. Please join me in supporting Tarryl Clark's campaign today. Your contribution of $250, $100, $50, or whatever you can afford will ensure Tarryl can run an aggressive and winning campaign.


Senator Al Franken

P.S. The eyes of the nation - and Michele Bachmann's right-wing allies - will be on this race. You can make sure Tarryl gets off to a strong start by joining Franni and me in supporting her today.