
Lieutenant governor trivia

Gubernatorial candidate John Marty today selected Patricia Torres Ray as his running mate. The lieutenant governor's job in the state is the political equivalent of being in witness protection. Voters usually hear about them on the day they're picked by a candidate, on the day they're elected and on the day they're.... well.... let's just say if a governor doesn't go toes up in office -- or a lt. gov. candidates doesn't talk about ethanol -- that's the last you hear about them.

Here are recent Minnesota lieutenant governors. Put them in the order of their service. No peaking:

Joanell Dyrstad, Alec G. Olson, Mae Schunk, James B. Goetz, Carol Molnau, Karl Rolvaag, Rudy Perpich, Joanne Benson, Alexander Keith, Lou Wangberg, Marlene Johnson.

Extra credit: Match three lt. governor candidates with their 2006 gubernatorial hopefuls.

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