GOP's first TV ad paints Dayton as 'erratic'

Minnesota's Republican Party will start airing TV ads tomorrow that call the DFL's nominee for governor 'erratic'

The GOP is spending more than $100,000 on a statewide campaign that calls into question Mark Dayton's behavior. It specifically cites his decision as US Senator to close his Washington office in 2004.

GOP chairman Tony Sutton said Dayton's behavior is too risky for the state.

"Now what does that say to the people in Washington, D.C. when Mark Dayton says 'there's a threat; I'm sending my staff home,'" Sutton said. "What does that say? Leaders don't do that. You can't get scared and frightened and close the governor's office."

Dayton has said he closed his office because he was concerned about the safety of his staff after the Bush administration warned of a possible terrorist attack.

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