On Campus Blog

Guessing enrollment and watching the money

While I was blogging on the first day of classes at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities campus, colleague Tim Post of MPR produced two finance-related stories.

Both shed a little light on the maneuvering that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to college funding.

The first was on the tough time that college officials are having predicting enrollment -- and the consequences that has:

Too few students can mean revenue shortfalls. Too many students can overwhelm classrooms and dorms.

(The state's problem is leaning toward the latter, it seems.)

He also reports that the state is messing with money that belongs to both the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.

U of M chief financial officer Richard Pfutzenreuter says that shouldn't cause problems with the U of M's cash flow, but will cost the school $900,000 to $1 million in interest income.