On Campus Blog

So what's the big deal about a stinkin' 4.0 GPA?

Looks like a few people were miffed by the post Six things could ruin a 4.0, which I'd picked up from USA Today.

They found it ludicrous that study abroad or smart roommates would damage a good GPA, or questioned the need for a 4.0 altogether.

Katie Zerwas wrote:

Discouraging students from taking part in a study abroad program is shameful, especially to specifically discourage studying in non-English speaking countries. Not only is learning a foreign language essential for students to remain competitive in the increasingly global economy, but experiencing life in a totally different culture and feeling what it's like to be an outsider is an incredibly valuable experience.

As former foreign student, I agree.

Caroline wrote:

Could this list be any more pretentious? Anyone who is having to wants to have a valuable college experience needs to know that a 4.0 means next to nothing.

And Tom wrote:

As Mark Twain once said, "A 4.0 doesn't always mean you got a good education."

Good points all.