On Campus Blog

Carlson biz school places 21st in US News rankings

We're bombarded by rankings -- and reports saying how faulty they are -- so I'm just putting this out:

U.S. News & World Report released its annual business school rankings today, and the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management placed 21st.

That's up from 24th last year, Carlson spokesman Steve Rudolph said.

Programs that placed:

  • Production/operations. This was ranked 19th, Rudolph said. (Trying to get last year's ranking.)

  • Part-time MBA program. It's 15th this year, just down from 14th last year, Rudolph said.

(Those last two are available by subscription only.)

Read the announcement here and Carlson's profile here.

You can find the announcement of other rankings -- such as law, engineering and medical programs -- here.