The Dinner Party Download featuring Neil Strauss

Neil Strauss
Neil Strauss is a contributing editor to Rolling Stone and author of the bestselling "The Game."
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Icebreaker: Vahram Mateosian
Vahram Mateosian, tailor to Wes Anderson and other notables at the NYC outfit "Mr. Ned," tells a joke whose punchline is a headline.

Small Talk: Jad Abumrad
"Radiolab" co-host Jad Abumrad tells us of a time when giant rabbits roamed the earth.

A History Lesson with Booze: Cold (Con)Fusion & "The Spirit"
This week in 1989, two respected chemists, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman, announced the impossible: They'd generated fusion energy at room temperature. They called it "cold fusion." The media called it a miracle ... but was it too good to be true? Listen to the tale and then experiment with "The Spirit" courtesy of Dustin Summer, bar manager at The Red Door, in Salt Lake City, UT.

Guest of Honor: Neil Strauss
Contributing editor to Rolling Stone and author of the bestselling "The Game," Neil Strauss talks about his latest book, a dictionary-sized anthology of his celebrity interviews called "Everyone Loves You When You're Dead." Strauss chats with Rico about The Boss's wandering mind, Courtney Love's unrighteous indignation, and the interview question *he* can't answer — at least verbally.

To hear much more from Neil Strauss — and hear a song from emerging band Givers — head to