On Campus Blog

St. Olaf student: Juggling your cafeteria food won't hurt you

St. Olaf College student Ariel Summers explains in the Manitou Messenger how easy it is to take all your food to the cafeteria table without using a tray:

Balancing dishes shouldn't be frustrating as long as we carry them efficiently. Say an Ole has a plate of food, a smaller plate of dessert, two drinks and silverware.

He can shove his food on the larger plate to one side and place the first cup on the other, while putting his dessert on the smaller plate to one side and placing the second cup on the other. Then, he can stick his silverware in his pocket.

It's just one argument Summers uses to support the end of cafeteria trays at St. Olaf. Many colleges and universities across the nation have scrapped the tray to save money and be more environmentally friendly.