Ground Level Blog

Tenney MN? Going, going . . .

The people of Tenney have spoken, but we won't know until this evening what they said.

The question before them was whether to dissolve as a city. I wrote about this in March after the 2010 census data came out, placing Tenney and Funkley in a dead heat for smallest city in Minnesota.

Each has five people, but the good folks of Tenney have been working to do away with their city government and revert to rule of the surrounding township, and they voted by mail today.

Wilkin County Auditor Wayne Bezenek sent out five ballots; the postal service sent two back as undeliverable. That leaves three people making the decision, which won't be determined for a few hours when the ballots are opened, he said.

"We know it won't be a tie," was about as much of a prediction as Bezenek would make just now.

This generated a little conversation on Twitter this afternoon when someone wondered what should happen to Tenney's local government aid check from the state next month if voters decide to go out of business. Bezenek said even if voters call it quits, the city stays in business until year's end.