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Zellers throws a block to special session

GOP House Speaker Kurt Zellers says he won't support a special session in November to pass a bill that would finance a new Vikings stadium. The move is a major barrier for stadium backers since Gov. Dayton insists he won't call a special session without prior approval from legislative leaders.

Supporters of a new stadium say they were hoping the Legislature could pass a Vikings stadium bill before the November forecast is released. There have also been concerns that the Vikings' lease with the Metrodome expires before session starts on Jan. 24.

Zellers, from Maple Grove, says he has told Gov. Mark Dayton "repeatedly" that he would not support a special session for a Vikings stadium. That's according to an e-mail Zellers sent to the GOP caucus yesterday.

Here's the full e-mail, which was obtained by MPR News:

Dear GOP Members:

I am writing to provide you with an update regarding the Vikings stadium issue.

This afternoon, Governor Dayton agreed to drop his earlier support to exempt a referendum for both Arden Hills and Minneapolis. As you know, I have been insistent that an imposition of a sales tax must include, at a minimum, a referendum.

Again, I want to be clear about my position regarding a special session for a Vikings stadium. I have repeatedly told Governor Dayton that I will not support a special session for a Vikings stadium. This issue can be addressed during the regular session. I will continue to communicate this message to the governor, legislative leaders, the public and media.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Speaker Kurt Zellers

State Representative, District 32B

463 State Office Building

St. Paul, MN 55155

Editor's Note: Prior to this e-mail Zellers has been tepid about the need for a special session for a Vikings stadium but he hasn't come out and said directly that he would not support a special session to solve the stadium issue.