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Congressional wealth: How the Minnesota delegation stacks up

A new report by the Center for Responsive Politics shows that nearly half of all members of Congress are millionaires.

That's 249 of 530 members of the House and Senate included in CRP's study.

Here's CRP's entire list. Because lawmakers are only required to list their income and assets in ranges, it's hard to pin down exactly how much each member of Congress is worth.

So, CRP ranks lawmakers by average net worth.

By that measure, at least three members of the Minnesota delegation are part of the millionaires club, according to CRP's data.

They include:

DFL Sen. Al Franken in 62nd place with an average net worth of $8,747,525;

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann in 194th place with an average net worth of $1,783,508;

and Republican Rep. Chip Cravaack in 217th place with an average net worth of $1,391,551.

Here's how the rest of the Minnesota delegation stacks up:

296th place: DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar with an average net worth of $724,514 (though she could also be among the Senate's millionaires if her net worth is closer to her maximum of $1,104,000).

346th place: Republican Rep. Erik Paulsen with an average net worth of $487,017.

351st place: Republican Rep. John Kline with an average net worth of $471,006.

402nd place: DFL Rep. Collin C. Peterson with an average net worth of $263,005.

410th place: DFL Rep. Tim Walz with an average net worth of $247,502.

461st place: DFL Rep. Betty McCollum with an average net worth of $88,005.

506th place: DFL Rep. Keith Ellison who carries debt and has an average net worth of negative $14,497 as a result. If his assets are on the high end, he has a maximum net worth of $18,999.