On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Religion, volunteering and outdoor orientation

Want cheaper tuition? Find religion With church membership dwindling and more families struggling to afford the cost of college, many private religiously-affiliated colleges and universities are slashing tuition and offering incentives to attract new students -- and to stay afloat. (CNN via NAICU)

Universities need to get better at telling their stories Universities have multiple narratives to share with a range of audiences, but in recent years some tales have started to drown out others. (The Guardian)

College students and graduates volunteering for longer terms The number of college students who volunteer actually decreased from 2009 to 2010, but the total number of volunteer hours increased, a 2010 study conducted by Volunteering in America showed. (USA Today)

Outdoor Orientations Can Help Students Acclimate to College As students apply to college, they may want to consider schools with wilderness orientation programs. (U.S. News & World Report)

Keys to college students' success often overlooked, report says An early visit to college, clubs and other activities help students graduate earlier than others, study finds. A sense of belonging also helps, researchers say. (Los Angeles Times)