Warren Buffett says he has cancer

Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett is the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the world's wealthiest people. He told shareholders in an open letter on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 that he has early stage prostate cancer.
Mario Tama/Getty Images

Warren Buffett is telling shareholders in an open letter he has been diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer.

The 81-year-old billionaire investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. says in the letter, released Tuesday, that his condition is "not remotely life-threatening" or debilitating.

Buffett's letter says he and his doctors have decided on a two-month treatment plan to begin in mid-July.

Buffett says he was diagnosed April 11 and has received tests including a CAT scan, a bone scan and an MRI.

He says he feels "great -- as if I were in my normal excellent health."

The cancer was detected with a routine prostate cancer test.