Feds: Wisconsin leads US in job losses

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says Wisconsin lost more jobs in the past year than any other state.

The bureau's figures show 17,800 of the 23,900 jobs lost in the Badger State from March 2011 to March 2012 were government jobs. The loss of 6,100 private-sector jobs was also tops among the 50 states.

With the June 5 recall election approaching, Republican Gov. Scott Walker and Democrats are telling contrasting stories about Wisconsin's economy. The Journal Sentinel says Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett calls Walker's jobs record ``a total failure.'' Barrett is competing for the Democratic nomination to run against Walker.

The Walker administration notes the state unemployment rate is at its lowest since 2008 and more than 17,000 jobs were added in January and February.


Information from: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel