Are young people saving for retirement?

US currency
US Currency is seen in this January 30, 2001 image.

Most of us don't begin to think about saving for retirement until we're well established on a career path, often in our 30s and 40s, but that can lead to a scramble down the road.

There are easy ways to begin to think about saving for your future, even when you're facing college costs or the expenses of your early 20s. Ruth Hayden, personal finance educator and consultant, joins The Daily Circuit Friday to talk about what young people can do to prepare for retirement, and how to balance retirement when you're in the 'crunch' period of your 30s - dealing with new babies and ailing parents.

More from CNBC on a recent Scottrade survey:

"More than half -- 55 percent -- of Gen Yers surveyed said they have not yet started saving for retirement. A whopping 64 percent said they don't even think about retirement.

'The most compelling thing out of the study is that Gen Y is surprisingly indifferent about retirement,' said Carrie Hibbs, a spokesperson for Scottrade.

Of all the non-retired generations, including Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, Gen Y is the leader in not saving, the report showed."

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