The Cube Critics: Norwegian art thief, rock-and-roll love story

The Cube Critics
The Cube Critics; MPR arts reporter Euan Kerr (left) and live events producer and Movie Maven Stephanie Curtis.
MPR Photo/Euan Kerr

News bulletin: Stephanie hates the entire "Men in Black" franchise! Just when you think you've got the Cube Critics, Stephanie Curtis the Movie Maven and arts reporter Euan Kerr figured out, they surprise you. This installment is all about a Norwegian art thief, a rock-and-roll love story, and Muslims and Christians in a desolate Lebanese village.

Where Do We Go Now?

Tonight You're Mine


Cube Critics was created and produced by Chris Roberts. The Cube Critics theme was written by Chris Roberts and produced by Marc Sanchez. Music performed by Marc Sanchez and Chris Roberts.