Statewide Blog

Calls for peace in Proctor follow alleged anti-gay attack

Alleged assault draws protesters to Proctor

Duluth News Tribune: "A throng of people displaying rainbow-themed flags, balloons and dress rallied Monday afternoon in Proctor to show their support for Max Pelofske, a gay 21-year-old Duluth man sent to the hospital with deep bruises after an alleged assault late Saturday night."

Backstory: Gay man alleges hate-crime assault; 2 arrested (Pioneer Press)

Also on MN Today

St. Paul pastor who backs gay marriage turns to Internet to keep church open

Pioneer Press: "Web show host John Ong lives in Kansas City, Mo., but his audio program recently took a detour into St. Paul's East Side."

Wisconsin recall: Scott Walker enters final week with edge

The Washington Post: "A week from today, Wisconsin voters will decide whether to recall Gov. Scott Walker (R), an outcome that remains possible if not likely, according to sources closely following the race.

Ashland strike could be microcosm of public union fight with Walker

WPR: "A bitter five week strike in Ashland that ended this month with some replacement workers hired and the union accepting a 'right-to-work-type' concession, could be a microcosm of things to come in Wisconsin's private sector."

Op-Ed: Minnesota's cookie-cutter GOP

Bob Carney Jr.: "In recent years, the Minnesota Republican Party has moved away from a crucial guiding principle: consent of the governed."

Sartell paper mill blast claims 1 life

Saint Cloud Times: "One person was killed Monday and five were injured in an explosion that caused a large fire at a paper mill in Sartell."

Hwy. 1 fire burned 175 acres, had price tag of over $650,000

Ely Echo: "Two outbuildings and one hunting shack were destroyed and the porch of one home was damaged."

New rules reality hits Hiniker Pond

Mankato Free Press: "'We hate 'em. We hate 'em,' said Dennis Nesje of the new restrictions. 'We used to like to come out here and have a couple of beers and watch the kids swim. Now we just have to watch the kids swim, and that's boring.'"