Daily Circuit Blog

Good reads: Fiona Apple, Germany vs. Greece

Every week, we share what we read and looked at:

Kryssy Pease: Sport mirrors life today as debt-riddled Greece faces off against their biggest creditor Germany in the EURO 2012 soccer tournament. My family is soccer-obsessed, and in advance of today's game in Gdansk my brother sent me this classic Monty Python video.

And since I got buzzed last week for not really submitting something I'm reading (as opposed to a photo collection I wanted to share), I'll add this analysis from The Guardian.

Chris Dall: It's probably been passed around a lot already, but Buzzfeed's "21 Pictures That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity" will at the least make you feel a bit better about the world

Alexandra DiPalma:This is how a celebrity profile should be done. That author Dan P. Lee inserts himself so prominently into the piece is initially disconcerting, but he ends up providing a pretty striking glimpse into the weird world of Fiona.


BEVERLY HILLS, CA - FEBRUARY 28: Recording artist Fiona Apple performs during the Venice Family Clinic Silver Circle 2011 Gala at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on February 28, 2011 in Beverly Hills, California. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

Tom Weber: Summer!

Emily Kaiser:This story about a dad struggling to pay off his dead son's student debt was heartbreaking. It's another example of how student debt is crushing middle and low income families who will send their kids to college at all costs.

Meggan Ellingboe: Finishing up 'Outliers' by Malcom Gladwell for book club next week.

Yes, I'll cop to being one of the producers who has read '50 Shades of Grey' as my book club wants to understand why this poorly written story is such a hit when we meet in August. Washington Post wants to know if you read it in secret or open embarrassment.

--Stephanie Curtis: Emily Nussbaum's review of Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom makes me excited to see how bad it will be and reminds me how much I loved Ken Finkleman's The Newsroom.