Cash pours into marriage amendment fight

With less than two weeks to go until the election, groups lobbying on the marriage amendment are reporting a daily influx of cash.

Amendment supporters who want to block same-sex marriage are reporting a surge in large last-minute funding thanks to two contributions from the Minnesota Family Council totaling a $500,000. Minnesota for Marriage also reports investor Bob Naegele gave $25,000. A church, a Knights of Columbus group and a handful of individuals gave in the $1,000 range.

Minnesotans United for All Families, the largest group opposing the amendment, got its biggest new cash infusion from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who gave $125,000. The San Francisco-based CREDO superPAC gave $65,000. Twenty-seven individuals and small businesses gave between a $1,000 and $5,500 each.

On Monday, both sides will file their final campaign finance reports before the election. Overall, amendment opponents have raised about four times what amendment supporters have raised.

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