Daily Circuit Blog

On the show Thursday: How does the adolescent brain work?

9:00 Professor Laurence Steinberg has spent his career studying adolescent brain development and his findings have led him to believe that our society needs to rethink the way we punish teenagers.

10:00 Fisher v. University of Texas, a case currently before the Supreme Court, concerns the affirmative action admissions policy at the University of Texas. We'll look at the case's nationwide implications.

11:00 Thomas Ricks believes that the culture of mediocre leadership in our military is a major problem. His new book is 'The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today.' We'll also discuss the Petraeus scandal with him.

Here is what Ricks said about Petraeus this morning on NPR:

He was a successful general when others were not. And so to have his personal, private affairs somehow detract from that, is like saying "Well, you know, Eisenhower really didn't win World War Two because, look, he was sleeping with his chauffeur.

-Stephanie Curtis, social media host