Gay rights in Obama's inaugural address

President Barack Obama's second inaugural address will make history, according to Michelangelo Signorile, editor-at-large for HuffPost Gay Voices. He writes,

President Obama didn't just make history by becoming the first president to refer to "our gay brothers and sisters" in an inaugural address. Of course, that alone was a stunner -- he put gay rights on the agenda for his second term in a way that no other president had committed to before -- but by referring specifically to the Stonewall riots of 1969 in the same sentence as Seneca Falls and Selma, he put the LGBT rights struggle within the context of the great civil rights movements in American history.

Signorile joins The Daily Circuit Friday, Jan. 25 to discuss the impact of Obama's speech.


President Obama's History-Making Gay Rights Inaugural Speech (Signorile for Huffington Post)

Obama's inaugural speech gives hope to gay marriage supporters (LA Times)

Why Obama's Second Inaugural Speech Is Historic for Gay Americans (Time)