
The changing demographics

The Census Bureau made news this week, you may recall, when it announced that for the first time, white babies are in the minority in the country, and that by 2043, the white majority will be no more.

But there was more to the release than just a racial demographic and when an official did a segment on CSPAN today, he brought along the slides that tell a fascinating story, especially if you look at Minnesota.

For example, we're awfully old here (you'll want to click the image for a bigger view) ...

Census Bureau slide

It'll probably be a lot longer than 2043 before whites aren't in the majority here...

Census Bureau slide

Young people dig North Dakota...

Census Bureau slide

Hispanics as a larger percentage of the population is happening mostly in non-metro counties...

Census Bureau slide

And the biggest increase in the black population (by percentage) is also mostly outstate.

Census Bureau slide