State of the Arts Blog

Art Hounds: Urinetown, Orkestar Bez Ime, and debaucherous, trashy films

From producer Chris Roberts:

This week, a musical about government restrictions of human urination, a film series about trashy, forgotten cinema, and a Twin Cities Balkan music troupe.

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Jessica Spivey

How appropriate. Freelance stage manager Jessica Spivey says she almost wet her pants she laughed so hard watching The Jungle Theater's "Urinetown." The satirical musical comedy is set in a large, nameless metropolis with a terrible water shortage. The Government has banned private toilets, and severely restricted use of public restrooms. Jessica says "Urinetown" roasts everything from corporate greed and big government, to social responsibility and...musicals. Through Aug. 11.


Local zine maker Kelly Krantz might be Trash Film Debauchery's most ardent fan. Kelly says the series, curated by Theresa Kay, features an amazing array of b-movies, cult films, horror movies and exploitation flicks, with regular screenings at Trylon Microcinema and Club Jager in Minneapolis, and the Turf Club in St. Paul. The next film, "The Hunger," will be shown at the Trylon on Wed., June 26 at 7pm.


There was something missing in St. Paul photographer Jessica Daniel's life. It was multi-cultural music, of the variety she used to enjoy at the old Loring Bar & Cafe in Minneapolis in the '90s. Jessica has found it in Okestar Bez Ime, a group formed to bring Balkan dance music to the upper midwest. Orkestar Bez Ime has a standing gig at the Black Dog Cafe in St. Paul every third Thursday of the month, which for the month of June, falls on the 20th.

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