On Campus Blog

Who pays what at the U after financial aid is factored in

The graphic above is the University of Minnesota's response to "The Benson Chart," which is an attempt by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system to show the net cost of tuition for students from various income levels.

(I'd wondered in my post whether the U had a similar chart handy. )

I'm reposting the MnSCU chart below for your convenience:

The U's chart came from Matt Hodson, a media relations associate there. He wrote me:

I have prepared the attached chart for the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus using the same formula as the MnSCU chart - which is tuition, minus state and Pell grants.

However, an important caveat: the University of Minnesota Promise Scholarship (U Promise) is the U of M's guaranteed scholarship commitment to Minnesota undergraduate students whose families make up to $100,000 per year.

While I do not know the structure of institutional aid at MnSCU, resident undergraduates across the University of Minnesota system who are eligible for state and Pell grants are also eligible for the U Promise Scholarship; therefore, this institutional aid must be included in the chart.

He brings up a good point -- at it involves data that I tried to get while covering MnSCU's attempt to boost the money it has for scholarships. I've spoken to the communications director at MnSCU about that, and I'm hoping to follow up when I get some numbers. I'm assuming that will drive down the MnSCU prices a bit, but I'm not sure by how much.

That said, Hodson did acknowledge that the income brackets in the U's graphic are different from the ones in MnSCU's.

I've asked the Minnesota Private College Council for charts that it might have, and will post what I've received so far in just a bit.