On Campus Blog

MSU-Moorhead prof: Students’ dorms have no air conditioning in this heat


Oh yeah, we're really productive now. (bredgur via Flickr)

I knew it was too early for school.

I've just spoken with Elizabeth Kirchoff, an English professor at Minnesota State University - Moorhead.

Students in a couple of her classes have been complaining "relentlessly" that their dorm rooms have no air conditioning, and that sleeping conditions are just unbearable.

They told her that fans are of no use, and that some students have taken to sleeping in the dorm lounges, which for some reason are air-conditioned.

Kirchoff says her young scholars are not exactly chipper in class:

"They come into class tired, yawning sweaty. ... They look exhausted ... haggard. There's no other way to put it."

So far, she said, she hasn't heard anything from the administration.

I'll make some calls.