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Minnesota colleges launch push for more international students

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“Study Minnesota” Consortium Launched to Attract International Students 

A group of Minnesota educational institutions – including public and private colleges and universities, community colleges, English language institutes and high schools – has formed Study Minnesota, a consortium to promote Minnesota as a destination for international students.

“Study consortiums exist to help educational institutions within a state join forces to target a broad audience in marketing their schools,” said Christina Hilpipre-Frischman, chair of Study Minnesota and director of international admissions at the University of St. Thomas. “Our aim is to work together to promote Minnesota as a study destination in ways that we may not be able to do working individually. The advantage to joining a study consortium is that they provide much more exposure for local educational institutions than they would have on their own. In addition, the breadth of marketing and recruitment knowledge held by the expert professionals from our member institutions and government partners is incredible.”

The new organization will promote Minnesota and Study Minnesota member institutions to a global audience of prospective students through a variety of channels and activities, including:

  • A Website featuring the opportunities and advantages to studying in Minnesota, with individual profiles and links to member institutions;

  • Preparation and distribution of marketing materials, both print and electronic, highlighting the quality and variety of Minnesota’s educational offerings;

  • High-profile presence at international education and recruitment conferences;

  • Joint participating in webinars, recruitment trips, trade missions and virtual education fairs.

The organization is managed by a board of directors composed of representatives of member institutions, and enjoys the active support of the Minnesota Trade Office (MTO), an agency of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), and the Minneapolis office of the U.S. Commercial Service. “Many people don’t realize every dollar spent by international students on tuition and living expenses is considered a service export,” noted MTO Director Kathleen Motzenbecker, “and that in the 2011-12 academic year alone they contributed over $319 million to the Minnesota economy.”

Ryan Kanne, director of the Minneapolis office of the U.S. Commercial Service, is pleased to connect Minnesota educational institutions with his organization’s extensive network of support. “Study Minnesota is a perfect vehicle to efficiently connect schools throughout the state to opportunities around the world through our international offices in U.S. Embassies and Consulates in over 70 global markets.”

For more information, visit the Study Minnesota Website at www.studyminnesota.us.


Founding members of Study Minnesota include:

Augsburg College

Bemidji State University

Bethel University

Concordia College

ELS Language Centers

Global Language Institute

Gustavus Adolphus College

Hamline University

Inver Hills Community College

McNally Smith College of Music

Metropolitan State University

Minnesota State University, Mankato

SABIS Educational System (International School of Minnesota)

St. Catherine University

St. Cloud State University

St. Mary's University

Shattuck-St. Mary's School

University of Minnesota-Duluth

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

University of St. Thomas

Winona State University