On Campus Blog

Supporters to hold rally tomorrow for UMN coach Jerry Kill

Kill (MPR)

Supporters of University of Minnesota football coach Jerry Kill plan to rally tomorrow morning before the Gopher's game to back him.

Kill suffered a seizure at last Saturday's game against Western Illinois University, which the Gophers went on to win 29 to 12.

Some sportswriters have questioned whether Kill is fit to hold his job. They fear more seizures -- especially a fatal one -- that could be broadcast during a game on television.

Foundation Executive Director Vicki Kopplin says 60,000 Minnesotans have epilepsy and do their jobs well:

"To make any type of statements about someone's ability to do a job based on the fact that they have epileptic seizures really isn't appropriate. The seizure itself really shouldn't impact someone's ability to do their job."

And she said the public nature of Kill's work isn't a problem:

"The mere idea that because someone has epilepsy or seizures they should hide away or not be in public or be in a position where the public views them really was offensive."

Supporters will line the team's traditional 8:30 a.m. Victory Walk from Mariucci Arena on Oak Street to TCF Bank Stadium.

Those attending the rally will receive free T-shirts that say "Jerrysota."