On Campus Blog

A high-school counselor’s trek through colleges


A few days ago, I wrote about Macalester College's apparent obsession with squirrels.

A quote from a Mac student about that subject came from a little blog written by a Massachusetts high-school counselor who was traveling the country visiting colleges where her school's graduates had enrolled. She briefly profiles each campus -- including a few in Minnesota.

(Interesting idea. I want this job. Anyone in Minnesota do this sort of thing?)

Just a sampling:

At St. Olaf College, she quotes a student about religion on the campus:

I'm not particularly religious, but I would describe and have been told that St. Olaf is a “college of the church, but not specifically faith based.” There is a large Christian population but I don’t feel like it is the majority and Christianity is certainly not pushed on anyone. Our pastor is wonderful and even meets with the student atheist group regularly.

At nearby Carleton College, another student tells her about a tradition that stood out to her:

The bust of a poet was taken/stolen from (its) perch on campus. His nickname is Schiller, and he has been spotted all over the world. Schiller has dangled from a helicopter, visited the set of The Hobbit, and was on the Colbert Report.

The blogger also says more about Macalester and the University of Minnesota.

You can read about her travels here.