Black Friday shoppers get early start with Thursday store openings

Shoppers got an early start on their Black Friday shopping this year with many retailers opening Thanksgiving evening. Best Buy, like many merchants this year, kicked off its Black Friday sale late Thanksgiving Day, trying to get a jump on what is expected to be tough holiday shopping season for retailers.

• Related: Black Friday shopping marathon continues

Best Buy stores opened at 6 p.m. yesterday and stayed open throughout the night. About 500 shoppers were lined up at the Best Buy store in Roseville, waiting for the doors to open. Ibrahim Mohammed, of Shakopee, quickly scooped up two 39-inch TVs for $169 each. He said he really appreciated the early start for the Black Friday sale.

"Six p.m.; that's why I'm here," he said. "Otherwise, midnight, I want to go to bed early -- so I can get some business done Friday morning."

Gary Lardy of Sacramento, Calif., was also among the early-bird shoppers.

"I'm getting a great TV for my mom and dad for Christmas," he said. "It's about $200 off the normal price. It's a Samsung 46-inch LED TV and an X-Box 360. Incredible deals."

Lardy said he appreciated the early evening kick-off to the Black Friday sale. In the past, he has not been inspired to head to a store for a Black Friday sale starting at midnight -- or 5 or 6 in the morning.

Retailers say consumers want more time to shop. They may need it this year. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are six fewer shopping days than last year.