On Campus Blog

Alumnus: Why it’s hard to keep giving to Macalester College

Rochester writer and Macalester College alumnus Paul John Scott writes in the Star Tribune that news of the President Brian Rosenberg's $750,000 compensation package has prompted him to stop donating to the college:

Rosenberg (Macalester)

It's telling that a school once known for its idealism has bought into the notion that executives should not feel the pain like the rest of us. ...

I have no doubt that Rosenberg is a great president, but I don’t see many people in my community whose salary has doubled during the past 10 years, never mind nearly tripling. So it’s awkward. If our small liberal arts colleges decline to set an example on executive pay, how can we expect anything better from those on the corporate side whose favor they seem so intent on courting?

You can read the full commentary here.