Stadium Watch Blog

Dayton will skip Super Bowl trip because of propane fuel crisis

Governor Mark Dayton presents his budget proposal to the media Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013 at the Department of Revenue in St. Paul.

Gov. Mark Dayton isn't going to New York after all. He'd been planning to go to the New York/New Jersey area Friday for a site tour and meetings with NFL officials, trying to woo the league as it weighs where to hold the 2018 Super Bowl.

Here's what his office said today:

"Governor Dayton was previously scheduled to attend meetings in New York City this weekend with NFL officials, promoting the state’s bid to bring the Super Bowl in Minnesota in 2018. Given the emergency situation presented by a shortage of propane and heating fuel across the state, Governor Dayton will remain in Minnesota for an emergency meeting of the state’s Executive Council on Friday afternoon. The Governor will also speak at the funeral of civil rights leader Matthew Little on Saturday in Minneapolis."

Dayton is also scheduled to travel to the Mayo Clinic next week for surgery on his injured hip.