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Daily Digest (Joan Mondale dies, Dayton to name running mate)

Good morning. It's precinct caucus day. Here's the Digest:


Joan Mondale died Monday afternoon at age 83. "We are grateful for the expressions of love and support we have received. Joan was greatly loved by many. We will miss her dearly," said her husband, former Vice President  Walter Mondale. (MPR News) (Star Tribune) (Pioneer Press)

Gov. Mark Dayton will announce his new running mate this morning.

The DFL and GOP leaders in the Minnesota House are in rough agreement on the size of a public works construction bill but disagree on the minimum wage and other issues. (MPR News)

Some say MNsure isn't acting quickly enough to increase staffing at its call centers. (Star Tribune)

A new map shows that where you live really does determine how long you live (at least on average). (MPR News)

And the new health care law makes it easy to determine who's paying the most for health insurance. (Kaiser Health News via MPR News)

The state's Environmental Quality Board has delayed action on silica sand mining standards. (AP via Pioneer Press)

Wisconsin's prohibition of gay marriage is challenged in court. (AP via MPR News)


The farm bill is moving toward a vote in the Senate. (Politico)

The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing today on the data breach at target. Both of Minnesota's U.S. Senators are members of the committee. (Star Tribune)