Project 515 ends after same-sex marriage battle won

Lee Anderson, founder/board member of Project 515
Lee Anderson is a founder and board member of Project 515, a non-profit organization fighting to secure same-sex couples and families equal rights under Minnesota Law. With same-sex marriage now legal in Minnesota, the organization will close its doors at the end of June, 2014. (William Matsuda / MPR News)
William Matsuda/MPR News

An organization that led the fight for equal rights for same-sex couples in Minnesota is shutting down at the end of the month.

Project 515 got its start in 2006, when states across the country were considering bans on same-sex marriage. It was named for the 515 state laws that treated same-sex couples differently than straight couples.

MPR News' Jon Collins reported last month:

Project 515 co-founder and current board chair John Larsen said the group never expected to accomplish their ultimate goal in less than a decade.

"I remember sitting in the attic of our house and saying, 'We want to go out of business,'" Larsen said. "It's a really, really rare occasion when you get to achieve a mission as an organization."

Lee Anderson, one of the group's founders, joined MPR News' Tom Crann to discuss the Project 515's legacy.

Read more: Declaring same-sex marriage battle won, Project 515 ends

Project 515's report on the group's history