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Free AC now, All-Star Game sweatshirts?

Welcome to July in Minnesota.

The one month of the year without measurable snow. The one month we can count on reliably for hot steamy days and warm midsummer nights.

Not so much this year.

  • -2.7 degrees July temps vs. average so far

This week's refreshing air mass is brought to you by the Canadian Chamber of Tourism. We enjoy a fine continental polar air mass blowing into Minnesota the next 48 hours. Our cool but pleasant July bias continues this week.

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Highs today hover in the 70s across southern Minnesota, with some Septemberish 60s up north. A high of 67 degrees in International Falls on July 8?


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Winds whip up today from the northwest. Look for some whitecaps on lakes today.

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Our northwest flow brings cooler air aloft, and that will lead to some cloud buildups streaming from northwest to southeast across the landscape. A few scattered showers will dot the skies today.

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College of Dupage

Spectacular Wednesday

Just in time for the middle of the week? Tomorrow looks stunning, and could be the best day this week, and maybe one of the finest days of the summer. Lighter winds, bright sun, low humidity and high in the 70s to near 80 degrees will be hard to beat. Can we get that on a weekend next time please?

The stickies and dew points in the 60s return by Thursday, with another shot at scattered storms by Thursday night.

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Stormy pattern returns this weekend

No doubt about it, we're stuck in a weekend storm rut this summer. Right on cue, look for an increase in scattered showers and thunderstorms Friday through Sunday.

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All-Star Game 2014: September in July?

Our cool July bias appears destined to linger into next week. It's still early and the forecast could improve, but right now trends suggest continued northwest flow and a cooler than average pattern next week.

The bulk of models that far out suggest more blue on the maps over Minnesota for next Tuesday's MLB All-Star Game at Target Field.

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Climate Reanalyzer

Here's the chilly look at next week from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center.

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The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model is the most aggressive with chilly temps in the 60s next Tuesday. That's nearly 20 degrees colder than average. There's still time to see if the models ease up and deliver milder temps next week, but at this point that All-Star Game sweatshirt might be the look at Target Field.