Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Postcard perfect today, rain chances return tomorrow

This could be the best weather day of the year in Minnesota.

With sunshine, light winds temps near 80 and comfy 50s dew points you can make the case this is the best weather that Minnesota, or planet Earth  has to offer.

The only downside, northern Minnesota is still cleaning up from  wind damage and downed trees.

But other than that, does it get any better than this?


Monday night derecho recap

No doubt about it, northern Minnesota is still reeling from an intense straight line wind event early Tuesday morning. Talk about organization, this was a classic mesoscale convective system with a "rotating head" of low pressure attached clearly visible on radar images.

Here's a deeper look at the system courtesy of the Duluth National Weather Service.


Our fine forecast holds through today, then scattered showers and thundershowers return from the west by tomorrow evening.


The forecast models are a bit at odds over precip timing the next few days. (Imagine that?) The first potential wave of showers moves east across southern Minnesota Thursday and Thursday evening.

1723 kky

Tonka dropping below "high water" mark today?

Many who make their living on Lake Minnetonka are watching to see if today is the first of 3 days that the popular west metro lake falls below the critical 930.30 feet above sea level.

1723 lake

Get the latest readings here when they arrive from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District today.

Enjoy the great weather today!