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Abbreviated summer of 2014?

It's Aug. 5.

That simple fact of the calendar is an eye catching event for Minnesotans. Something in us goes a little faster when the calendar turns to August. We pack in those last few summer vacation weekends.  Back to school ads fill the airwaves. The Vikings begin the preseason Friday. The State Fair begins in 16 days.

Minnesotans earn our summers. We endure, no survive winter's daylight deprivation, polar vortexes and Snowmageddons.

The trade off? Our deal with the Weather Devil? We get to brag about some of the best summers on the planet for a solid three months. Maybe even four months in a good year.

Not this summer.

June was a sad excuse for the first month of meteorological summer. Record rains and flooding. Fleeting sun and chilly lakes.

Summer finally came calling in July with two 90-degree days and ample sunshine.

August has been kind so far, but looks to run cooler than average in the coming weeks.

Did I mention the State Fair is just 16 days away? And Labor Day comes early this year on Sept. 1?

Say it ain't so, Paul!

  • 2 days of 90 degree heat so far this summer

  • 0 days of 90 degree heat in the next 16 days (Global Forecast System model output)

  • 16 days until the Minnesota State Fair begins

  • 20 days until Labor Day

1 Fair Carnes
Minnesota State Fair

Lake Superior high

A ridge of high pressure is anchored over Lake Superior this week.

Sunny cool start in Duluth. Lake Superior Maritime Museum.

The ridge protects the Great Lakes and most of northern and eastern Minnesota from significant rainfall this week. Showers and storms detour around the edge into southwest Minnesota and Iowa.

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The weather models are all over the map on precise details this week, but most agree on the general idea of temps near 80 for the metro and slightly increasing rainfall chances by the weekend. Here's the latest run from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, which leans a little warmer and drier than some.

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A little 'droughty?'

There have been some spotty downpours over the past few weeks, but most of southern Minnesota has seen under a half inch of rainfall since July 12. The latest U.S. Drought Monitor shows yellow shaded "abnormally dry" conditions eating away at eastern South Dakota, and threatening to edge into southwest Minnesota this week.

UD Drought Monitor. USDA/UNL

Iselle threatens Hawaii

Major Hurricane Iselle is packing 125 mph winds in the open pacific as it churns toward Hawaii. Iselle is an impressive storm with a concentric outflow and cloud shield and well defined eye wall.

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Iselle will weaken as it approaches Hawaii, but should still pack a punch as a tropical storm as it makes the islands Thursday and Friday.

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Surf's up, Brah.