On Campus Blog

Beer, remedial math and living at home

Men punished in sexual misconduct cases on colleges campuses are fighting back Men punished for sexual misconduct in the wave of cases sweeping college campuses are fighting back against what they call unfair student disciplinary systems and publicity that threatens to shatter their reputations. (The Washington Post)

A Lot of College Students Are Living with Their Parents. That’s Normal. Economic times are changing. But this might just represent a reversion to the norm. The development of the dorm is relatively recent. In fact, college students always lived at home. That’s always been pretty common. (Washington Monthly)

For remedial students, algebra or statistics? Pass rates are very low for community college students placed in remedial math, typically a review of elementary algebra. Students are more likely to pass college-level, for-credit statistics than remedial algebra. (The Hechinger Report)

Millennials' Latest College Funding Strategy While older parents might think it’s bad manners to ask for a specific gift -- such as a college-savings check -- at a baby shower, younger parents are absolutely okay with it. (Forbes via NAICU)

Schools eye beer sales for help Some cash-strapped athletic departments outside the Power Five conferences have started to use beer sales as an alternative revenue stream -- and more could soon be following suit. (ESPN via University Business)