Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Warming trend builds, 70s return

Our October preview is in the final act. It looks like summer is ready to make a comeback as the second half of September unfolds.

  • -2.9 degrees - temps vs. average at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport so far in September

  • 39 degrees coldest temp so far this fall at MSP Airport (Saturday morning)

  • 72/52 average high/low at MSP this week

  • Above average temps forecast later this week across Minnesota

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Warming trend kicks in

We call it life on the "back side" in weather. The back side of high pressure cells drifting through the Midwest means southerly wind flow, the return flow of milder air from the still higher sun angle of the Southern Plains.

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Temps gradually respond this week, and climb into the 70s by the weekend. I won't be shocked to see a few 80 degree temps somewhere in southern Minnesota by Saturday.

Note the dew point trend on the bottom line below, upper 60s again by Saturday as a summery air mass pushes in.

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The upper air pattern seems to favor warmer than average temps the last half of September overall. Here's the take on temp trends next week from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center:

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Enjoy the warmer days!