Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Rain today, snowy rumors swirling tomorrow?

Only in Minnesota.

It's no wonder  four Super Bowl losses don't phase many of us. We're used to being treated much worse by the weather. Only in Minnesota can you bask in 82 degrees on Sunday, and fend off snowy rumors by Friday.

Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Weather Extremes.

  • Oct. 7 - average date of first 32 degree temp at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport

  • Oct. 19 - first trace of snow at MSP Airport last year

  • Oct. 25 - average first trace of snowfall in the metro

  • Nov. 5-6 first inch of snowfall last year

  • Nov. 18 - average first 1" snowfall at MSP Airport

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The next wave of rain streaks northeast today across Minnesota. Look for showers to favor the afternoon hours for the Twin Cities as the next low pressure wave rides in from the southwest. The deepening low makes a beeline for James Bay, where it will stall this weekend.

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Rumors of snow?

No doubt about it, Friday's raw northwest breeze will leave no doubt that fall is here. Temps struggle to get out of the 40s in most of Minnesota tomorrow, and may hover in the upper 30s in northwest Minnesota.

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A stiff northwest breeze will feel like more like November than early October. Not the best day for a late season foray onto your favorite whitecap frosted lake.

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The stalled low in Canada mixes with a sub-freezing cold pool. Snow will be the result, with serious accumulations in Ontario and Manitoba. An inch or two of slush is possible Friday evening in northern Minnesota.

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The atmosphere will be marginally cold enough for a few flakes as far south as the Twin Cities Friday night and Saturday morning.

Most of the moisture will be sliding east into Wisconsin by then, but I can't rule you a few stray snowflakes Friday night into Saturday morning. In case you're wondering, that's about thee weeks earlier than average.

For the record, I'm not buying the model output that suggests an attempted coating of white in the metro Saturday morning. The ground is too warm to support any stray flakes that may fall.

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Iowa State University

Hopefully not a preview of coming attractions...

The first frost of the season is quite possible for the inner metro core Saturday and Sunday morning. That's about average. Milder breezes blow next week as more typical October weather returns.

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