Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Football weather, Indian Summer and a Halloween chill?

Minnesota weather is like lying on a beach at the ocean.

You never know what the next wave will wash in. You may be blissfully sunning at low tide, and swamped in pounding surf at high tide.

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Late summer surf at Southern Shores, North Carolina Paul Huttner/MPR News.

Air masses sweep freely across Minnesota in October. Sunny and 72 one day. Steel gray skies with a raw northwest wind chill of 48 degrees the next. That's par for the course in a Minnesota October.

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Average? Largely a theoretical concept in Minnesota. A mean from a pendulum swing of extremes.

Football weather weekend

At least October lives up to it's reputation this weekend. Crisp mornings and sunnier milder afternoons return as the next Canadian high pressure cell builds south over Minnesota this weekend. Out next cool front may spark a few clouds and a spotty shower Sunday.

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Indian Summer returns next week?

Sunday looks like the milder day this weekend as temps push 60 again. Another run of 60s returns late next week, as winds turn southerly one more time.

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Halloween 2014: Going as "the other shoe?"

Minnesotans know our fabulous October weather winning streak can't last forever. The proverbial "other shoe" may be showing up on the medium range Global Forecast System model. Several consecutive runs now hint at a much cooler air mass coming south around Halloween. The latest runs suggest trick or treat temps in the upper 30s. It's still too early to be sure, but that could be a shock for the little ghosties.

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NOAA via IPS Meteostar

Polar fleece under the costume this year?

Stay tuned!